Monday, 14 September 2015

Two Weeks left in Thailand

It doesn't seem all that long ago I was making my way to Manchester airport, ready to begin my 3 month Thailand adventure. Three months seemed like such a long time, and during my initial stay on Koh Phangan I quickly got used to the lifestyle, almost feeling like it would never end. But all good things must come to an end, or so the saying goes, and I now have less than 2 weeks left before I return to the UK and 'reality'. As much as I am missing my family, friends and my gym (Shor Chana muay thai), I really wish I could stay longer but I don't have the money available to do so. I will absolutely be returning to Thailand, however, at the soonest opportunity.

Monday, 7 September 2015

An Average Day at Sitjaopho Muay Thai Gym

6am- the alarm clock on my phone goes off. I hit snooze and plant my face in my pillow, already wishing I'd been able to get to sleep earlier the night before

6.05am- the damn alarm goes off again. I wonder why the hell I'm doing this, and run through a list of exuses as to why I should skip training and just stay in bed